Fashion Tips To Survive The Festive Season

The Holiday Season is upon us and it feels just like it was last yesterday when you attended your work Christmas party. Most women dread the holiday season. It’s not just about eating and being merry. It’s also about the outfit you have to turn up in at your work  functions, Christmas parties, and family and friend reunion. And it’s not just one party or function. It tends to be several, often in the space of a few days.

So how does one look fabulous without spending a fortune?

Planning is everything. Work out what functions you will or wont attend and then work out what outfits you may already have in your wardrobe.

If you have to go out shopping or if you want to use this as an excuse to buy something new (mind you, you don’t really need an excuse) then make sure you keep the occasion that you are going to firmly in mind.

The easiest thing to buy is a dress. Nothing beats the simplicity and versatility of a dress.

Work Functions

Mind your cleavage ladies! Mind your cleavage! And don’t forget your hemlines. I find that most women always want to show their more feminine side at work functions or parties. Yes you want to be seen as more than just that tough looking suit wearing female. That you have a waste line and good boobs and a butt. But the work function is not the place to bring out the girls. Not amid free alcohol, bosses and people you will be seeing again and want them to respect you in the morning. Your work collegues don’t really need to know how good you look in a tight dress, especially if you work in a very corporate environment.

So for this reason my guidelines for the work function and Christmas party is to be as ladylike as possible. Not a vixen. This means the hemline of the dress you are planning to wear has to be at least Knee length. No plunging necklines. Too sexy for work.

The same goes for family functions or visiting the in laws or your partners family for the first time. I was watching one the episodes of the ‘House Wives Of New Jersey’, where one of the younger sexy housewives turned up to the family Christmas function in an outfit that maybe described as something Santa’s very naught little helper would wear. The first comment made by the sister in law who wasn’t a big fan of her was ‘look at your boobs’. That’s not the kinda greeting you want to be getting when you’re walking into an chattered waters no matter how hot you think you want to look or how fine you think you want to look.

I know the people I’ll be spending Christmas with this season. And they cast their judgement ages ago. My familyand my boyfriends family. My main wardrobe concern is not to wear anything delicate. Visiting a two year old and a two month baby means mess. They will climb over you and wont care how much you paid for those shoes which they will gladly step over and that silk dress when they are giving you a hug with their greasy little paws.

So just a run down on the rules for Christmas and holiday Wardrobe…

1. No cleavage at work functions/in laws, partners family


The above dresses are great for a Christmas function. If you can’t show off your boobs, then grace them with a beautiful back. Or a little leg.

2. No minis at work functions/in laws, partners family

3. When visiting households with children or animals (think animal fur and dogs that like to jump on people) be sure to wear something that will wash grease off easily and that didn’t cost a fortune and can be replaced

4. Avoid dressing in the Christmas theme unless the party invite suggested a Christmas costume theme

5. Think of comfort. How long will you have to be at your function and think about whether it’s a good idea to wear in that new pair of high heels that you wont be taking off for hours

6. Think about how much you will be eating and how much extra room you may need to expand and allow for all the food

7. Wear light make-up to highlight your natural beauty

8. Accessories to make your outfit more sophisticated

9. Tone down sexiness and aim for pretty and feminine by using softer colours and flowy fabrics and shapes.

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